Jual Mikrotik RB411AH
14 Maret 2025 05:05 | dibaca 180 kali
Using the same superfast CPU as the RB433AH, the RB411AH is now just as fast.
The heart of this device is the new, faster Atheros 7161 CPU which makes this tiny device faster than any CPE in this price range.
RB411AH includes RouterOS - the operating system, which will turn this powerful system into a highly sophisticated router/firewall or bandwidth manager.
Keterangan, pemesanan dan info lebih lanjut hubungi customer care kami :L
ym : sinergi004
Phone : 085258734162
Office : 0341712865
Adress : Jalan Danau Towuti Iv G5E/17 Sawojajar Malang
Website : www(.)sinergiindo(.)co(.)id
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